Our Mission
Help for Haiti's mission is to feed, to educate, and to employ, empowering the communities we serve by promoting social entrepreneurship and supporting self-sufficiency!
FEED: Chronic malnutrition affects nearly one in every four children in all of Haiti under five years old. Help for Haiti has partnered with Feed My Starving Children to provide over 1.7 million meals in north Haiti keeping bellies full so learning can happen.
EDUCATE: Haiti’s enrollment rate for primary school is an encouraging 88% however, that number drops to 20% for secondary school. Help for Haiti has built two schools and there we help to feed, educate and build self sustainability that can carry our students throughout their lives.
EMPLOY: Self sustainability and social entrepreneurship are key facets of our employ programs. Help for Haiti has funded over 94 small businesses and educated hundreds of children and adults in the tenants of business, economics and entrepreneurship.
Why We Do This Work
Children playing at our school, The New Star of Bethlehem School (INEB) in Cap-Haïtien, completed in 2020. The 10-classroom building with a full kitchen, access to clean water, toilet facilities and electricity provides a safe space for teaching and learning.