A Look Forward & A Look Back!

What is ahead for Haiti presses on my mind – 2010 was a disaster of epic proportions and yet life moves on. Lets take a look at where we are going in 2011.Here are four goals for 2011. We want to bring 200,000 packaged nutritious meals to kids in Haiti’s rural Christian schools. We start with a 100,000 meal packing event in the Seacoast area of New Hampshire on Saturday May 21st. Our first of what we hope will be many Haiti Food Packing Events in New England. Each meal costs 24 cents plus 10 cents to ship it to Haiti. The first event is with Bethany Church in Greenland New Hampshire and they need 500 volunteers so let us know if you can help. Look for more details on this site or go to www.bethanychurch.com for the location, time and sign up information. Help for Haiti is planning on raising $34,000 to FEED kids in Haiti.We have a goal of paying 20 teachers $500 each in 2011. Each teacher lives on less than $1000 a year. Our stipend keeps them alive to teach the next generation and provides for their families. We need $10,000 to accomplish this goal and EDUCATE kids in Haiti.We have goal of repairing the church school in Marmalade where 130 kids go to school in a building with a temporary roof, dirt floor and crumbling walls. We need $10,000 to accomplish this goal and EMPLOY Haiti’s carpenters and tradesmen in the process.We have a goal of making loans to two or three businesses in Cap Haitien Haiti where our low interest loan will allow them to hire more employees. Expanding small businesses are Haiti’s best hope for a better future. We need $20,000 to accomplish this goal and begin to EMPLOY more people.These four goals will only happen if God wills it and people donate, volunteer and come with us to Haiti to see the need. So please pray, donate, volunteer and come with us on a trip that will change your life forever.A Look Back!In 2010 we launched Help for Haiti becoming a charity on June 23rd. In November we launched our first campaign to raise funds with a commitment to keep our expenses very low and direct donations to specific projects in Haiti. We have raised over $17,000 from 50 donors since November. The donations range from $25 to $2500 and we could not be more pleased with the reaction to Help for Haiti. In October I went to Haiti and we paid 13 teachers $40 each. We paid $500 to a school and orphanage in the Cap Haitien area and we began the process of becoming a recognized charity in Haiti. I met with 10 Christian business owners who need loans to grow their businesses. It is a beginning! Our expenses for 2010 are below 10% of what was donated in 2010. Betsy and I will travel to Haiti on February 9th and we are looking forward to beginning this year’s work. So we thank God for what He has done in 2010 and with a grateful heart look forward to what He will do in 2011.Jim & Betsy WilleySave


Some Hard Facts About Haiti


Our October Trip to Cap Haitien, Haiti